

Hearing Loss

Hearing refers to a complex sense that provides us with awareness of our surrounding sounds in the environment and more importantly it is the ability to communicate with each other. Ear is an organ responsible for perceiving a sound but it may not be obvious that the brain is responsible for perceiving sounds. It is very essential that both these organs work properly for hearing. 

Want to know how hearing loss affects memory? Just go through the below article to have an idea about Hearing Loss and Memory Problems.

Yes, hearing loss may affect brain health in different ways. 

Hearing Loss is a common phenomenon which affects individuals across any age. The main cause of hearing impairment could be because of hereditary issues, trauma, noise exposure, ear disease, and importantly age related issues. 

Effects of Memory Due To Hearing Loss

Yes, hearing impairment may trigger cognitive decline and memory loss in adults. It is very essential to consult an audiologist nearby your place if you are facing any of the issues with pursuing sound. 

Audiologists have seen a boost in demand for their services by aged persons whose communication issues are triggered by hearing loss and cognitive decline. For this, one needs to detect at an early stage to rectify the issue. For aged people, early diagnosis of cognitive decline will be helpful to provide the best medical support. 

“Are you looking for an expert audiologist to consult for your hearing problems? Your search ends at our MY AUDIOLOGY clinic!”

MY AUDIOLOGIST is a privately owned, operated, and independent hearing clinic in Wellington Point, Queensland. Founded by the best audiologists in Queensland who believe that our patients should be entitled to receive quality audiological and unbiased service. Our team of doctors at the clinic strives to provide the highest standard audiological services, latest hearing technologies and maintains transparent pricing.

How Hearing Loss Affects Your Memory?

Hearing loss is a factor in deteriorating mental acuity in aged persons according to researchers and experts in the field of Audiology. The persons having severe hearing impairment problems would be having a greater chance of developing a cognitive disorder, dementia, memory changes and even increased falls. 

Hearing loss could result in increased social isolation for the aged people. This social isolation is also a risk factor for dementia and other cognitive disorder problems. 

Sometimes, diminished hearing ability can result in reduced and improper brain stimulation thereby causing a great risk for declining their thinking abilities. 

The below are the ways hearing impairment could cause memory problems and dementia. Those are listed below for your reference. 

Ways of Memory Loss

Cognitive Overload: 

It is the main cause of memory loss issues. The constant endeavour you are putting in for understanding what you are hearing can overload your brain thereby causing cognitive overload problems. The process of hearing will starin you and stress your brain. An older adult usually faces these problems with hearing loss. 

Psychological Pathway: 

Another main cause for memory loss is Psychological pathway. It plays the main role in cognitive decline as well as memory loss. 

Brain Structure Changes: 

Some audiologists and experts believe that hearing loss could affect the structure of your brain in such a manner that cognitive issues would arise. Images of the brain in an older person demonstrate the structural changes in one’s brain. It doesn’t mean they are losing brain cells. But the structure changes accordingly. Some brain cell structures are shrinking due to lack of simulation. No need to worry about it, because some observed restoration of brain structure after using proper hearing aids. 

Social Isolation: 

This also plays a vital role in cognitive decline and memory problems. When you have a hearing impairment problem, you tend to avoid all friends and social gatherings. When you become socially isolated, there will be a definite increase in the risk of cognitive decline thereby causing dementia and memory loss. 


Today one in six Australians have some degree of memory problem associated with hearing impairment, which is expected to rise to one in four Australians by 2050. Protecting your hearing is a sound investment, Call Us now on 0424 729 730.